Message from Sean’s Mom
Sean's music has sustained me for many years. I knew him when he was still playing Jimmy Hendrix and Axl Rose. I cannot bear to hear him sing now. It just makes the tears come harder and faster, and yet, I cannot bear to be without his voice. Sean was the most precious, kind, generous, gifted soul on the eartn. His laugh was so contagious that you would come from another room just to share in it. His humor could be silly or witty depending on the person and his mood. There wasn't a day that his guitar wasn't with him, and hardly a day that I didn't talk to him. There never was a time that music wasn't in his head or soul. I hope that any speculation between Sean's passing and the memorial fund will dissipate, and people will realize that Sean was a person. A loving, caring, complicated, humble genius of a person who had to perform and sing and play, and yet was petrified every time he did. Rarely, was it good enough, and yet, to us, the audience is was always superb. No one would ever guess what it took for Sean to get on stage and mesmeize us, and what your appreciation gave back to him It was one of his hardest challenges and his sustenance.I cannot understand why he is no longer here. I know he wasn't finished with his music and I wan't finished loving him. Most of all, I know he didn't want to go. If just one person can be spared the premature separation from someone they loved because of his foundation, there will be some purpose in an otherwise unacceptable event. I hope you can listen to his music and share it with everyone you know. It is exceptional as Sean, the son, brother, friend and musician was.Thank you all for all of your kindnesses and sweet words and generous contibutions. Right now, they are a substitution for his voice which I cannot bear to live without.