Manic Depression

'Tis the Season

This is the season of giving and receiving presents; a way to recognize the love we have for each other. When we examine the genesis of the season, it really represents a celebration of life (Christian) and light (Hanukkah)… another metaphor for life.The Fund is a celebration of life and light as well. Sean lived a full and adventurous life... one that few get to live: and, he gave off a light that still rests in the hearts of those who knew him. For his family, of course, this season is bittersweet, as we cherish the loved ones we have here on earth and miss the presence of Sean and other family members who are no longer physically with us.It is my wish for Christmas that you view the Fund as a generator of sorts, keeping Sean's light alive so that others may live a healthier life. Mental illnesses still carry a stigma like no other. Admitting that you are bipolar or depressive, etc., may disqualify you for a job or ostracize you from people who were once your friends, maybe even family.Research about mental illness has improved, but it is still light years behind other diagnoses. The Mental Health Association reports that 1 in 5 people will have a mental illness.... a full 20% of our population; yet, if someone has insurance (which many don't, often due to the disabling symptoms), it may not cover necessary services, or severely limit them. In a country that boasts of equality, the disconnect is obvious.There are many worthy organizations related to the causes and treatment of mental illnesses, all striving for what little monies are out there to realize their mission. We are a young and small one, with a primary focus: researching the relationship between bipolar disorder and creativity, resulting in effective interventions for this population. We also hope to reduce the stigma of mental illness, using Sean as an example of a wonderful, highly intelligent, gifted, responsible person who happened to struggle with anxiety and depression.Creative people, like musicians, bring their own unique light to the world and certainly give us insight into our own lives in ways that reach to our very soul. This creativity is a gift to them as well as to us, but like everything else in life, it comes with a cost. For musicians, that cost can be very dear, as they maintain a lifestyle that flies in the face of healthy living.... late nights, disrupted sleep in long van trips, a world of alcohol at every job. Often, to survive, they have two jobs to be able to support their family, with even less opportunity for sleep. While it looks appealing to be on stage with people applauding, the sequelae to that aren't ones to envy... loneliness, adrenalin pumping with no place to dissipate it and sleep disturbances.... all leading to a cyclic pattern of trying to stabilize their world. Nonetheless, they have to play the next gig in the next town or they may not get booked again. No sick days because there is no sick pay.We would be in a much darker place without music and other forms of the creative spirit, so it is really a gift to us to recognize the beauty of their art by supporting them and supporting the only cause dedicated to helping their unique needs be met in an effective and creative way.Some of our very favorite gifts tarnish, break or are lost. So, may the lives of our favorite people. When we really cherish them, we try everything we can to mend them. When they are lost, we have a way of re-gifting to ourselves: memories.This year, I will light candles for my Mom and Sean who left us too soon, and too close together, and I will wish for memories that will spark the light so I can celebrate their lives. Sean's Fund is one way that allows me to remember him and, in that experience, to help others who have told me that their life is a mirror of his. As long as there is hope, there is light and a reason to live.My wish for you is that your holidays are filled with laughter, the circle of people who bring you joy, and memories that light the darkest part of your hearts.Debbie Costello Smith on behalf of all of Sean's familyAnd just one wish from you to me....Support the Fund this December by voting for the Mojo Project. An intervention that could literally save a life, but will certainly aid musicians in their effort to stay healthy and on course. For more information, please visit: